I shoot for a living !

My son thinks its cool, my daughter loves it and my husband actively encourages it!!

Of course, I am a photographer not a crazed, sleep deprived mum trying to fight my way to school in the mornings!

But that’s it, isn’t it? So many mums are deciding to set-up their own business’s from home amidst a busy family life. It’s mad, it’s hectic, but I think we would all probably agree, it is fabulous!

To be able to do what ‘I love’ and still take my kids to school and pick them up has helped me to maintain a special bond and to enable me to fulfil a lifelong dream.

I didn’t really know it was a lifelong dream until after I had my children and had given up work to look after and be with them. I was a Graphic designer and had worked in many small and large agencies all over the city both directly  and self-employed. So I was used to working for myself. I had studied photography as part of my degree and taking photographs was always part of what I did, something which I had always been complemented on and had always seemed so completely natural for me to do.

I remember having my first camera aged around 12 years old. It was a Kodak camera, one of those long black ones, where the case flipped over to form the handle. I still have it! Mine had a telephoto function and that was so advanced back then. It went everywhere with me and I loved it. At college I was able to save up for my first SLR camera. An OM10 known then as the ‘ladies camera’ because it was small and very light. It certainly feels like a toy camera now compared to my current hefty shooting animal of choice. I am a Canon woman!

When the time came to get back into the work place the thought of picking up where I left off terrified me. It knew it would be a huge challenge, but I needed to work for myself.

So when did I make the choice to go for it, to make the leap and follow my dreams?

Looking back…, it was 13 years ago when my children were 2 and 5. It was one of those now or never moments. Probably fuelled by broken sleep and hazed, idealistic notions that it would be easy!

Now it feels like a no-brainer, as if that’s what I’ve always done. However, starting out was very hard. Not knowing where to begin, how to get clients, learning the basic fundamentals of building a business. I have had to relearn photography techniques and update myself on an industry that has changed beyond all recognition since I last seriously picked up a camera. I have made lots of mistakes, I spent money on ineffective marketing, struggled with time management (which is key when building your business around a family). But I have also had some amazing opportunities, shooting everything from Models at London Fashion week, to Harpists, babies, lawyers, wedding cakes and superheroes, to name just a few! There is tremendous power in a photograph, a moment in time preserved for ever and I have been privileged to help people do that. Time is so precious, and our lives move at such a pace, it is good to just stop and take the time to invest in good quality images.

While studying graphics & photography at University my favourite place to be was ‘the dark room’ !!! I spent many hours there enjoying the magical anticipation of waiting and watching for that image to slowly appear before my eyes The magic now, is the instantaneous nature of seeing that same image appear on your camera the moment you have taken it. Then there’s further magic when I can add my own personality to that image by working on it to create something truly unique and individual. The end product is a work of art, as I edit, polish and fine tune every image I work on.  I also use my design skills to help with all my marketing and design work as well creating marketing images for you to use in your business.

This is definitely a love and a passion of mine and I encourage anyone who is toying with following a passion, be bold and go for it! Better to regret something you have done than something you have not!!!


Go from hiding to SHINING and see your business grow